EMO-FARM Sp. z o.o.
ul. Łódzka 52
95-054 Ksawerów
phone: +48 42 212 80 85
www.emo-farm.pl; www.emo-farm.com
e-mail: emo-farm@bauschhealth.com
Tax Identification Number: PL 7311855351
National Official Business Register Number: 473107958
Share capital of 3 306 000 PLN
A company with its registered office in Ksawerów, address: Łódzka 52,
95-054 Ksawerów/Poland, entered in the register of businesses conducted by the District Court in Łódź, XX Division of the National Court Register, as KRS number 0000147075.
If you are looking for a specific product enter the name or key word.
This Disclaimer refers to the usage of the website of the company EMO-FARM Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Ksawerów.
1) Copyright.
a) The content of the EMO-FARM website is protected by the copyright. Therefore, the content of this internet Service must not be duplicated, distributed or published without a prior written consent of EMO-FARM.
b) EMO-FARM permits browsing and printing of the parts of the Service only for personal use and non-commercial purposes. Any other action violating the copyright is prohibited.
c) Trade names, names of the medicinal products or other names used in the EMO-FARM website are registered trademarks and are used for information purposes only. They are protected under the appropriate law regulations and it is forbidden to use them. Therefore, it is not allowed to interpret your access to the Service as any granting of any license or any right to use the trademarks comprised in the Service without prior written consent of EMO-FARM.
2) Conditions for the service usage.
a) The information included in the Service is not an offer in the meaning of regulations of Polish Civil Code and they can not constitute any base to sell any products.
b) The content of the materials included in the EMO-FARM website is of informative and advertisement nature only and must not be treated as counseling, consultation or recommendation.
c) The persons that use the possibility to send any materials (including composition in accordance with the Act on copyright and related rights) to EMO-FARM by email or website declare that:
i) They do not contain any illegal content
ii) They are not in breach with third party rights
iii) They do not contain any viruses or other features that can damage the Service
At the same you agree to placing the materials in the Service free of charge for undefined period of time and you are obliged to act according to the law in force, the rules of social life and good customs.
d) The company EMO-FARM reserves the right to change and update the information in the website anytime and in any extent without prior notice to the users. The rules of using the Service may also change without notice.
3) Liability.
a) The information concluded in the EMO-FARM website has been collected in a good faith and based on sources regarded as reliable.
b) EMO-FARM bears no responsibility for the completeness, accuracy or the update of the information comprised in the Service. All information in the EMO-FARM website may be outdated, presented in an incomplete or shortened form. However, in case you consider it necessary to verify it, please do not hesitate to contact us under the phone number +48 42 212 80 85 or by email to emo-farm@bauschhealth.com.
c) EMO-FARM does not bear responsibility for the content of articles placed on its website.
d) EMO-FARM does not bear responsibility for the information placed on its website without its prior written consent.
e) The internet service EMO-FARM contains links to websites of third parties. However, EMO-FARM does not bear any responsibility for the content of these websites, and the possibility to link with such a page that is not owned by EMO-FARM does not mean that EMO-FARM recommends this website, products or services, mentioned in the websites of third parties. The user bears his/her own responsibility in case he/she decides to use the links for accessing the websites of other parties.
4) Applicable law and data protection.
a) The use of the Service is subject to the laws of
b) Using the internet service www.emo-farm.com is equivalent with accepting the conditions presented in this website, without the right of notification of any reservations to its content.
c) Should you not accept these conditions, you are not entitled to use this Service.
d) When processing the data, we are obliged to observe the generally accepted rules of confident information protection, confidence and security standards.