Contact us

EMO-FARM Sp. z o.o.
ul. Łódzka 52
95-054 Ksawerów
phone: +48 42 212 80 85;    

Tax Identification Number: PL 7311855351
National Official Business Register Number:
Share capital of
3 306 000 PLN

A company with its registered office in Ksawerów, address: Łódzka 52,
95-054 Ksawerów/Poland, entered in the register of businesses conducted by the District Court in Łódź, XX Division of the National Court Register, as KRS number 0000147075.


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About us

The “EMO” Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Plant” founded in 1983 was a precursor of the EMO-FARM Ltd…

We cooperate with academic centers (preferred fields: chemistry, pharmacy, cosmetology and related), offering last-year students the opportunity to undergo 3-month internships, during which they have the opportunity to gain valuable experience. The best of them after graduation can become our employees.

Trainees improve the skills of operating measuring devices, as well as become familiar with the analyses of materials, semi-finished products and products in accordance with internal documentation.

Our best specialists always support with experience and knowledge during the internship.

Job opportunities in the Bausch Health group

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