
Contact us

EMO-FARM Sp. z o.o.
ul. Łódzka 52
95-054 Ksawerów
phone: +48 42 212 80 85;    

Tax Identification Number: PL 7311855351
National Official Business Register Number:
Share capital of
3 306 000 PLN

A company with its registered office in Ksawerów, address: Łódzka 52,
95-054 Ksawerów/Poland, entered in the register of businesses conducted by the District Court in Łódź, XX Division of the National Court Register, as KRS number 0000147075.


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About us

The “EMO” Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics Plant” founded in 1983 was a precursor of the EMO-FARM Ltd…

The company EMO-FARM Sp. z o. o., being fully aware of the fact that the high quality and product safety form the basis to maintain the position of the firm in the competitive environment, declares the implementation of the aims through the following:


  • Maintaining and improving the Quality System, that meets requirements of ISO 13485:2003 and GMP,
  • Improving the manufacturing process and the manufacturing innovativeness,
  • Introduction of new products taking the interests of interested parties into account,
  • Making all the employees of the company responsible for the quality,
  • Improving the qualifications and awareness of the employees systematically,
  • Permanent evaluation of the efficacy and effectiveness of accepted policy and established aims.

The management of the company, supervising the maintenance of high quality and safety of the products, declares the constant performance of the pro-quality actions.