EMO-FARM Sp. z o.o.
ul. Łódzka 52
95-054 Ksawerów
phone: +48 42 212 80 85
www.emo-farm.pl; www.emo-farm.com
e-mail: emo-farm@bauschhealth.com
Tax Identification Number: PL 7311855351
National Official Business Register Number: 473107958
Share capital of 3 306 000 PLN
A company with its registered office in Ksawerów, address: Łódzka 52,
95-054 Ksawerów/Poland, entered in the register of businesses conducted by the District Court in Łódź, XX Division of the National Court Register, as KRS number 0000147075.
If you are looking for a specific product enter the name or key word.
Waldemar Stępień
President of the Board
Ryszard Bukowski
Member of the Board
Katarzyna Mróz
Member of the Board